Meeting the challenges of a sustainable city with energy analysis and forecast simulations for Mulhouse-DMC district
Energy strategy
Local authority | France
Industrial heritage
Energy analysis&forecast simulations

Urbanomy is working with the city of Mulhouse which, in partnership with the Urban Area of Mulhouse-Alsace (m2A), is carrying out an urban project aimed at redeveloping the DMC district's exceptional industrial heritage (30 hectares, 17 buildings covering 115,000 square metres), as part of France 2030 stimulus plan's call for proposals - Sustainable City Demonstrators - operated by the Banque des territoires on behalf of the French government. The ambition is to create a new district in Mulhouse, a demonstrator for sustainable cities based around visual arts.
In order to meet the project's low-energy and energy-efficiency objectives, Urbanomy works alongside the public players and uses the PowerDIS tool, developed by Efficacity, to model and assess the buildings' energy needs and consumption - before creating and analysing the most appropriate energy scenarios based on the range of possibilities in terms of energy renovation of the buildings (envelopes, windows, etc.) and the choice of energy systems (thermal and electrical energy supply of the buildings).

City of Mulhouse


French government

Urban Area of Mulhouse-Alsace (m2a)

France 2030